The cheerful and the tranquil

Mainz Stories and Meenzer Geschichtscher

Where is the cold hole? What's a robin? Have you ever stood on the Lu in front of a monder? What does the Domsgickel have to do with Wiesbaden? If you can't answer these questions, we recommend you to refresh your knowledge - no matter if you are a Meenzer or not. Take a leisurely walk with us through the old town of Mainz, always with the cathedral in view, and let us tell you poems, songs and anecdotes that will bring you a little closer to the city, its inhabitants and their way of life.
Duration: 1,5-2 hours
Price: 140€

Mainz in the evening - In the night all cats are gray...

... Get to know
Mainz from its nocturnal side. Stroll through small alleys of the old town and discover unknown places. Learn how the night and tower guards ensured safety, why they were among the dishonorable professions and why it is good to "munkeln" in the dark.

Duration: 1,5-2 hours
Price: 140€ plus 20€ additional cost for the night tour

Advent, Advent ...

Listen to Mainz Advent and Christmas stories on a tour around the Christmas market. You can round off the walk with a glass of mulled wine (not included, bookable for €4.00 per person)

Duration: 1.5-2 hours
Price: 140€ per group with max. 25 persons


Ana-Mari Zivkovic
Guided Tours & Service
+49 0 6131 242-827

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Monday - Friday:
09:00 am - 05:00 pm


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Gästeführerverband Mainz e.V.